Saturday, November 25, 2006

Using Myspace to Make Money - Get Paid for Bulletins and Banners!

Here’s the ultimate opportunity for anyone wishing to make money off myspace. Using your myspace account to turn a profit is very easy for anyone to do and it doesn’t take any technical knowledge either! Myspace Money Maker is a company that specializes in myspace advertising. They are basically the middlemen for businesses looking to advertise. The majority of these businesses probably either can afford television advertising or they wish to reach a much larger audience for way less money. How better to do so than through myspace. The problem is that these businesses don’t have the ability to reach lots of people because they don’t have REAL profiles. They might have a myspace profile but since it’s strictly for business they rarely receive friends requests. And what good does a bulletin do if 5 people are going to read it?
So these businesses contact “middlemen” like Myspace Money Maker and pay them to find people like you and I who have myspace profiles with real friends attached to them. They then PAY US to post bulletins or display banners on our site.

Wanna get involved? There are very few requirements –

To become a Banner Poster, all you have to have is:

You must have at least 100 friends.
You must have pay pal to receive payment.
You must add Myspace Money Maker to your friends.
You must place their banner on your page.
You must not delete their banner from your page for a month.
And yes, they do actually check to make sure it’s there! So no cheating!

To Become a Bulletin Poster, all you need is:

You must have at least 100 friends.
You must have pay pal to receive payment.
You must add Myspace Money Maker to your friends.
You must post a bulletin.
You must not delete the bulletin.
Only 1 bulletin per user.
You must post the bulletin the way they send it to you. No changing words or adding images, signatures, etc.

So the big question now is “How much do I earn for posting bulletins?!”
Pay is made on the following scale:

If you have 100 – 500 Friends you will make $1 per bulletin
500-1000 Friends - $2
1000 – 2000 Friends - $3
2000 – 3000 Friends - $4
and so on, with pay increasing by $1 for every 1,000 friends until you hit 10,000 Friends, then you will make $10 per bulletin and 20,000+ Friends gets you a whopping $15 each! Wow!

So as you can see this can really be profitable, especially if you have a few thousand friends.

Granted, a buck may not seem like a whole lot but consider the fact that all you are doing is posting one simple bulletin, it’s actually not bad at all! Especially if you can get multiple jobs in a day. This is by far one of the easiest ways to make an additional $10, $20 or even $50+ a month for doing basically nothing!

To participate in this maony making opportunity, go HERE! It's as simple as that (NOT A REFERRAL LINK!)

If you are in MYSPACE please ADD ME


Tori Thompson said...

Thanks for the link!


Anonymous said...

Her er hvordan jeg gjorde:

tjene penger
tjene penger raskt
tjener penger

Nøkkelord i Topptekst Tag - Prøv å ta med viktigste søkeord, og variant av dine viktigste søkeordet i Topptekst taggen. I mitt eksempel brukte jeg to sub-søkeord i mitt blogginnlegg, og de er Magic artikkel ReWriter Funksjoner og Magic artikkel ReWriter fordeler.

tjene penger internett
tjene penger raskt
trenger penger

Tre. Tilbakekoblinger: Dette er den viktigste faktoren for rangering. Når du prøver å rangere, bør du se dine konkurrenter backlinks først. Finn ut hvor mange backlinks de har og kvaliteten på deres tilbakekoblinger. Hvis de har mindre backlinks, så du enkelt kan slå dem. Det er så mange måter å få backlinks.

tjene penger fort
tjene penger raskt
trenger penger

Jeg skal lansere min nye guide om noen dager. Jeg skal selge første 50 eksemplarer bare for $ 7. Så, hvis du vil bli varslet på forhånd så du kan abonnere nedenfor.

[url=]Tjene Penger[/url]

Anonymous said...

Hey pplz [url=][img][/img][/url] I've been lurking here for quite a while now, and I have to admit that i am grateful to finally be a part of!