Saturday, March 17, 2007

John Chow Dot Com - A Review

I am a fond reader of this blog as it provides some very useful information about various ways to earn money online. Any one who is into making money online will find the articles posted in this blog very very useful as it provides an insight into some great opportunities available over the internet to make money online about which most of us have never even heard of. As far as contents are concerned they are updated regularly. The knowledge I've gained through content of this blog as well as reader comments has definitely shaped the way I look at earning money on the internet. Now the owner of this blog John chow has given we felow readers a great opportunity to gain some exposure for our blog. He is offering to link to our blog if you review his blog. Getting a link from a pagerank 4 site would definately boost your own blog/site pagerank and will get some increase traffic to your blog/site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently saw your John Chow review (I'm an avid reader too) and came up with a similar back-linking idea.

Since my site isn't as popular as John's (yet), instead of a link I'm actually offering an 80GB iPod Video in a back-linking raffle. You don't even need to write a review. If you're interested check out the rules.

- Erich (sorry for the blatant self promotion)