There’s a new company called “Brring!” that has totally pushed the limits of advertising and earning money. They have came up with a system that forces telemarketers to listen to advertisements before they can speak with you on the phone. Here’s the cool part – for every ad the telemarketer listens to YOU EARN!! The first 10 advertisements will earn you $1 each and typically every ad after that will score you about 0.05 cents.
Here’s the details:
You sign up for a TOTALLY FREE Brring phone number. Then, every time anyone calls it – friends, family, telemarketers, bill collectors, etc, you earn money. As soon as the short advertisement (10 seconds tops) is done playing, your calls are automatically, instantly forwarded to your personal phone and Brring is completely out of the picture. People don’t “have” to call your bring number, but they can if that is the number you give to them. You can always give your original number to persons you don't want to listen to those Ads. Only those persons who will calll you via you Brring number will get to hear those Ads.
Cool stuff about Brring:
• You can customize the ads your callers hear.
• You get to select the ringback tone of your choice. Generally a ringback tone is the standard ringing sound your callers hear when they call your phone and wait for you to answer. With Brring you can pick whatever noise/song/sounds you’d like it to be! And there’s no cost to do so! All you need to do is upload whatever you’d like it to be.
• As mentioned, if you have callers you don’t want to hear ads – mom, grandma, boss, etc. they simply call you on your normal phone number as usual.
• You DO NOT need a Brring number in your same area code! You can select a number in any area code you’d like.
• You only need to earn $10 to be able to cash out. So you will get your first cheack after you have received 10 calls, then your next checks will come after about every 200 calls. But if you think about it, 200 calls in one month is only about 6.5 calls a day.
Ways to Earn Even MORE with Brring
If the .05 cents per call isn’t enough for you, now you can earn even more with Brring in the following ways:
- Import your friends off of Facebook and get .25 cents
- Complete profiles for each of your callers. Every profile you finish will earn you .50 cents!
- Refer others to the Brring program. For each referral you’ll get $1
- Set ad playing rules. Every time you set an ad playing rules for one of your callers profiles you will earn .05 cents
- Share your number with others. Each person you share you new number with will give you .05 cents!
Check out Brring today!